We will teach you how to add custom tabs to your Facebook Page to enhance your customers’ online experience.

By default, Facebook Pages have tabs such as Home, About, Photos, Videos, Events, Community, Jobs, etc. You can use custom tabs to promote subscriptions to your blog, registration for your website, show the most used features on your website, and much more. Imagine people being able to view content and interact with your website from your Facebook Page without leaving Facebook.

To show you an example of a custom tab in action, take a look at the Sign Up tab on our own Facebook Page. See the tab has its own Facebook URL, so you can easily share it to anybody.

Custom Facebook Tabs Limitations

Before we provide you the steps on how to add custom tabs, let’s dive in first to the important things you should be aware of before trying to implement them.

Your Page must have 2,000 or more Likes

If you try to create a custom tab for a Page with fewer likes, you might get a “This page does not have permission to install the custom tab.” error message.

Custom Tabs will only be visible on Desktop

According to Facebook, Mobile custom tabs are not supported at this time.

Your web page must be allowed to be used in an iFrame

Custom Facebook Tabs uses iFrame to include an external webpage inside Facebook. The webpage that you will use for the custom tab must be allowed to be iFrame’d inside another website, in this case, Facebook.com. If you’re not sure about this, it’s ok. You will figure out this later after creating the custom tab. If the tab displays blank or if the tab page breaks out of Facebook into its own browser window, then it means the webpage you used is not allowed to be used in an iFrame.

Limited Available Custom Tab Width

Facebook displays the custom tab content with a width of either 520 pixels (default) or 820 pixels only. Your website layout should look good with either of those sizes.

Steps to Create a Custom Tab

Step 1: Log into Facebook as a developer

Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps and log in with your Facebook credentials.

Step 2: Create your new custom Facebook tab
  1. Click the “Create App” button.
  2. Choose “Something Else” and then click “Continue” button.
  3. Enter “App Display Name”. You can type anything that describes the app. For example, “My Custom Tab App”. Then click the “Create App” button.
  4. Check “I’m not a robot” human verification checkbox.
  5. Navigate to Settings → Basic.
  6. Scroll down to the bottom and click the “+ Add Platform” button. Then choose “[Page Tab]”.
  7. Enter “Secure Page Tab URL”. This is the URL of the webpage you want to appear in your Facebook Page custom tab. It should start with https (not http). Enter “Page Tab Name”. This is the name of the custom tab that will show on the Facebook Page. For the “Wide Page Tab” setting, you can toggle it to Yes (which means the width of the tab content is 820 pixels) or No (520 pixels). When you’re done, click the “Save Changes” button.
Step 3: Add the Custom Tab to your Facebook Page
  1. Copy the link below and paste it in a text editor (Notepad or TextEdit) as you will edit it in next step.

  2. Replace YOUR_APP_ID with the ‘App ID’ found in the basic settings for your Tab app you created earlier.
  3. Replace YOUR_URL with your secured URL found in the ‘Secure Page Tab URL’ field you just filled out in Step 2.7
  4. Copy the URL and paste it on your browser. Once you do this, Facebook will display the Add Page Tab page like below.
  5. Choose the Facebook Page you want to add the custom tab to and then click the “Add Page Tab” button.
  6. You’re done! Go to your Facebook Page to check out your now visible custom tab. Notice the custom tab URL has the following format:


By default, the custom tab will be under the More tab. So it will take 2 clicks to open your custom tab. If you want to move and re-order the tabs, proceed to the next section below. This is optional but it would be nice to have your custom tab visible right away.

How to Re-order Tabs Using Desktop Computer

  1. Go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Click More → Edit Tabs.
  3. Drag the tabs up and down to change to desired order. If you encounter an error doing this, an alternative is to do it on the Facebook mobile app. Please follow instructions in next section below.

How to Re-order Tabs Using Facebook Mobile App

Although custom tabs do not show up on Facebook mobile app as we mentioned about the custom tabs limitations earlier, you can still see the custom tabs in the settings in mobile app when you edit the tab order.

  1. Open Facebook Mobile app and go to your Facebook Page.
  2. Tap “View As” (with eye icon).
  3. Tap “Edit Page”.
  4. Tap “Tabs”.
  5. Tap “Edit Tab Order”.
  6. Drag the 3 horizontal lines to re-order tabs. A message that indicates the new tab order has been saved should appear momentarily. When you’re done, go back to your Page on your desktop computer to see the tabs in the new order.

That’s it! Enjoy! 🙂